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It's a challenge for all of us to let go of long-held and habitual patterns of thoughts and behaviors. Sometimes it takes someone else, an objective observer and active listener, to provide the support and guidance we need to create sustainable change. 

I love coaching, and I consider it an honor and privilege to enter into the story of another, even just for a time, to pursue healing and growth together.

Explore Session: In this 75 minute session we will explore issues of your type that you want to discuss. This can be anything from changing habits, to setting and achieving goals, to relationship challenges, to vocational discernment. You will walk away with greater clarity and practical steps to move forward. Cost is $79.

Beyond Your Number Sessions: In these four 1 hour sessions, we will take a deep dive beyond your number, utilizing all the different aspects of the Enneagram. Cost is $350.

Session One: In our first session together we will discuss your Enneagram journey so far, your goals and expectations, and discuss your types core struggles, core virtue, and childhood messages.


Session Two: In this session you will learn how to best utilize your stress and security arrows, centers of intelligence, wings, and subtypes. We will also examine levels of health and defense mechanisms of your type.


Session Three: This session will be all about relationships; marriage, parenting, work, friendships. You will gain insight into the unique relational challenges of your type and how to better communicate with other types. 

Session Four: In this final session, we will discuss any other issues that might come up during our time together, and you will leave with specific practices and resources

to continue your journey. 

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